Rios Garza Studio
These are gallery quality reproductions of works originally done in water colors and inks on paper and selected later works originally done in acrylics on board. These prints are individually produced using fine archival papers and inks. Click print for enlarged version and ordering details.

PRINTS :: PAGE ONE :: page 2 >

The Art of Rios Garza
Beautiful, oversize book of Rios Garza's paintings, reproduced in full color with descriptions and details of the artist.
click for details

Pachuco on a Cosmic Trip With His Carucha (14"x19")

Crow Moon (24"x12")

Crow Sun {33"x24")

Mood Azul
-- 16" x 21"

Birch Trees (series) (12"x18")

Sanctuary (12"x18")

Serenity (21"x16")

Moonlight_Sonata (12"x18")

Jars in Grass (12"x18")

Solitude (16" x 20")

Birch Trees with Iris (12"x18")

Serengeti Sunset (24" x 14")